look at my brother的相关图片

look at my brother

下面围绕“look at my brother”主题解决网友的困惑

Look at the picture.The man ___ beside me is my

standing 首先,这个句子的谓语是is,一个句子不能出现两个谓语,因此stand只能填非谓语动词的形式。其次,the man和stand是主动关系,因此只能填stand的主动形式...

you ( ) my brother over there? A look at B wa

答案: C see 解释:A look at :1. 看待;2. 考虑;3. 查看;4. 注视;5. 检查。B watch :vt.注视,注意;看守,监视;守候(机会等);密切注意 Can you see th...

完成句子。1.Look! My brother___.(正在读书)

2、playing football 3、is good at growing vegetables 4、Spring 5、likes to listen music

英语作文look at my family (有中文),要把当时

You should ask the grandmother behind the three man, of course is the elder brother, sister and me. My brother is an auto mechanic; sister is a technica...

look see watch 有什么区别,什么时候look后加介词at

您好!应该用look at 【解析】look at 是固定词组 look at sth,look是不及物动词,后面不能直接加名词,要加at。look for 寻找;希望得到 例句:Some birds are ...


I have a very good book.I find it an interesting book.I really enjoy reading books.I turned round to look at the man.She usually sit behind her brother ...

look at my family 的英语作文怎么写?短

1.Look at my family. My father is reading newspapers. My mom is cooking dinner. My litter brother is playing with his little puppy. My sister is listeni...


_her name___?b:Jenny a:hi,Roce. _This is my___brother b:Nice__to meet you___.a:_Nice to meet you,___too b:And_These/Those are___my parents.a:Look__at___...


9. Look! A cat __is running___ (run) up the tree.10. It's 6:30. My brother __is seeing___ (see) a movie.11. Sam __goes___ (go) to school at 7:00 every d...

Please look at this picture of my__.This is my _

and father's (daughter) .I'm behind my father,my (father's) name is Liping,I'm LiMei's (brother),my (mother's) son.Limei and I (are) twelve. W...

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